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Why I'm an Equalist not a Feminist

Feminism at it's heart is a brilliant concept as it aims for women to receive the same rights as men, as well as acknowledging that for as long as it can be remembered, women have been seen as the lesser gender. While feminism advocates purely for the rights of women and girls, it's only focus is on gender equality.

Equalism, or egalitarianism as it is commonly referred to as, is the belief that all people regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, culture, or other factor that defines our individual differences, should be treated with equity. The reasons why I associate with this belief and not feminism are that I think gender is too fluid for a label to be put on a ideology that represents a certain genders and also because I believe there are other important inequities that should be addressed. For instance, poverty, racism and war over religion. Gender inequality is a serious issue around the world and is something that must be fixed as soon as possible. I do however think that it isn't as immediate of a threat to the wellbeing of the world than hunger, poverty or war.

Finally, and this is an opinion of mine that is probably pretty unpopular and something I will get a lot of shit for, but there are some feminists out there that ruin the idea of feminism for everyone else. It's the people who shove their opinions down your throat and talk about how much they hate men. It's the women who only ever talk about being a feminist and bring it up in conversations just to cause some sort of confrontation. The negative connotations that come along with being a feminist and it is something that I just don't want to align myself with.

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